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Browse our toolkits, guides, films and resource banks, as well as the projects we've worked on with others.

Privacy & ExpressionEvidence & ActionTactical Studios

Privacy and Expression

Advice and tools to help you protect your online privacy.

May 2012

Tools and Tactics for your digital security

Arabic, Armenian, English, Farsi, French, Indonesian, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese

Written for and in collaboration with environmental rights defenders in sub-Saharan Africa

September 2014

Digital Security Tools and Tactics for the LGBTI community in sub-Saharan Africa is the second in our series of Security in-a-box Community Focus guides, wh

August 2014

Cards to raise awareness around digital security: print out and share.

Arabic, English, French

Find out about our hands-on digital security trainings.

May 2011

Learn how to survive in the digital age: a series of short films featuring a friendly robot called ONOnymous

April 2012
Arabic, Armenian, Bosnian, Burmese, Croatian, English, Farsi, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

Explore digital security in this series of short films featuring stories from human rights defenders.


Short films on how to keep your site alive in the case of a DDoS attack: Don't be Silenced; Back up your Web Content; and Mirror your web content.

August 2012

Evidence and Action

A documentary film series exploring new forms of investigative journalism, plus an extensive investigative resource bank

July 2013

Our book exploring how to influence issues using information, design, technologies and networks.

October 2013

The name pretty much says it all. An online toolkit for women's rights defenders.

December 2013

Inspirational info-activism case studies from around the world.

May 2012

The Info-Activism How-To Guide brings together info-activism strategies, digital tools and case studies from around the world.

May 2013

A week spent exploring the art of evidence-based campaigning.

January 2013

Explore the issue of E-waste in Delhi

May 2012

Guide to using maps in advocacy.

February 2010
English, Russian

Tools, inspiration and advice on visualising data for advocacy and campaigning.

December 2012

Strengthening women's advocacy in the Arab world through visual techniques

December 2010

Learn how to work effectively and creatively with data.

January 2013

Support for evidence based advocacy by sex workers

February 2013

Tactical Studios

An infographic series accounting for how publicly-raised funds were distributed after a US comic relief.

February 2012

The inspiration for this poster for was the Every Decision Affects Every Child infographic that we had produced for World Vision.

Designers: Robertson Wade Design. Firm.

March 2012

Design and layout of visual identity guidelines for the Child Health Now Campaign, including a booklet, a report and a series of infographics.

March 2011

Visualisations on the issue of forced and child labour, presented in the form of an interactive map and informational website.

February 2012

How do you encourage staff to adopt a new database to record incidents of corruption on a global scale?

February 2012

A site explaining how and where EU funds were misspent on harmful projects in Eastern Europe.

May 2012

Access the worlds largest public database on large-scale land deals through interactive infographics.

April 2012

An animated film, to raise public awareness to the hidden servies offered by Tor.

March 2012

An animation showing why you should volunteer to be a Tor bridge.

March 2012