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What we do

Tactical Tech has been working since 2003 to advance the use of information and digital technologies by advocates and activists worldwide.

READ OUR MONTHLY MAGAZINE IN THE LOOP for new releases, press, and interesting stuff we've been reading.

Based in Berlin, we work with an international network of partners and collaborators to help rights, accountability and transparency advocates and the communities they work with to use information and digital technologies effectively in their work.

Through trainings and workshops we provide direct support to over 2000 activists a year. Through a range of toolkits, guides, online resources and films (created with on and offline-sharing, repurposing and translating in mind), we reach a further 2 million people per year.

EXPLORE OUR PROJECTS: toolkits, guides, online resources, films, animations, etc

Tactical Tech in the press: We were recently profiled in Wired magazine.

Privacy & Expression programme

Our Privacy & Expression programme builds the digital security awareness and capacity of human rights defenders, independent journalists, anti-corruption advocates and activists. The programme's activities range from awareness-raising comic films aimed at audiences new to digital security issues, to direct training and materials for high-risk defenders working in some of the world's most repressive environments.

Our work in this programme includes:

Evidence & Action programme

Our Evidence & Action programme strengthens advocacy and campaigning through the artful and strategic use of information. We help people collect, curate and analyse data, represent it in effective ways and mobilise around these outputs.

We build the skills and critical perspectives on evidence-based campaigning of activists and rights advocates around the world: from investigative journalists to rights advocates and activists in NGOs, non-violent movements and civil society organisations.

Our current resources include:


  • Visualising Information for Advocacy: Our new book about how the visual works in campaigning and advoacy; with analysis of over 60 visual campaigns from around the world and practical guidelines on how to think about your own work with visuals. The website also has all the data vis tool profiles from our old site, Drawing by Numbers, with a new interface to sort through and decide what you want to experiment with. We've also started a new blog on the site to document our journeys through data and visual in advocacy
  • Exposing the Invisible: A film series about activists, advocates and political actors are using digital tools for investigation. In 2013 we launched three films spanning a range of issues from uncovering trans-national financial corruption to counter-narratives about demolitions in Palestine and covert drone warfare in Pakistan. Watch the films online or host a screening.
  • The Upgraded Info-Activism Toolkit: We've upgraded, updated and re-invented our popular old toolkits Message-in-a-Box and Mobiles-in-a-Box into the How-To InfoActivism Toolkit and have a customised version for women's rights campaigners in South Asia, the Arab region and East Africa.


Tactical Studios

Tactical Studios is the fees-for-services arm of Tactical Tech. Tactical Studios works with rights groups on three main themes that are central to advocacy:

  • Presentations and workshops to help you learn more about visualisation of information for advocacy, mapping, data gathering, processing and analysis. 
  • Campaign messaging to help you to find the best story-lines in your data, discover your target audiences, decide on the best way to visualise your information, whether as an info-graphic, animation or film, online or in print.
  • Creative development and implementation, to take your data and work closely with you and our pool of designers to create a visualisation for use in your campaigns.