A series of visualisations and the design of a report for Child Health Now, World Vision’s campaign to reduce preventable deaths of children under five and to achieve MDG 4 by 2015. The infographic series revealed the hidden issues behind the data, to appeal to an audience of journalists, policy makers, politicians and academics.
The design was adapted and developed into a visual identity for the whole campaign and went on to feature in two further publications: Nutrition – Building Strong Foundations for Child Health and The Best Start – Saving Children’s Lives in Their First Thousand Days.
Your commitment to the issues and the desire for change was as strong as ours and was in large part driving your motivation for engagement…we were all very impressed by your knowledge of the issues which is why we considered you partners rather than service providers. I also recognise your support and engagement beyond the narrow scope of the brief and the flexibility of the team and their support in helping us reach deadlines.
Frank Smith, Head of Global Campaigns, World Vision