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Fees for services projects from Tactical Studios.

Tactical Studios

An infographic series accounting for how publicly-raised funds were distributed after a US comic relief.

February 2012

The inspiration for this poster for was the Every Decision Affects Every Child infographic that we had produced for World Vision.

Designers: Robertson Wade Design. Firm.

March 2012

Design and layout of visual identity guidelines for the Child Health Now Campaign, including a booklet, a report and a series of infographics.

March 2011

Visualisations on the issue of forced and child labour, presented in the form of an interactive map and informational website.

February 2012

How do you encourage staff to adopt a new database to record incidents of corruption on a global scale?

February 2012

A site explaining how and where EU funds were misspent on harmful projects in Eastern Europe.

May 2012

Access the worlds largest public database on large-scale land deals through interactive infographics.

April 2012

An animated film, to raise public awareness to the hidden servies offered by Tor.

March 2012

An animation showing why you should volunteer to be a Tor bridge.

March 2012