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The Info-Activism How-To Guide

Evidence and Action
Toolkits and guides

The Info-Activism How-To Guide brings together info-activism strategies, digital tools and case studies from around the world.  Practical without being too technical, this resource-rich guide serves as an excellent introduction to the world of information activism. This guide is an updated version of two earlier toolkits: Message in-a-Box and Mobiles-in-a-Box, and also features content from our 10 Tactics suite of materials.

The Guide is structured around three levels of campaign outcomes:
    •    'Make your Issue their Interest'; raising awareness about an issue with an audience
    •    'Make your issue their Issue'; getting an audience more deeply engaged in an issue
    •    'Make your Issue their Action' moving an audience towards a specific action.

It also covers basic campaigning how-tos, handpicks the best tools for collaboration, outreach, mobile communication and more, and provides examples of inspiring info-activism campaigns.

In the months ahead we will be creating customised translations of the How-To guide to serve as introductory toolkits on using digital tools for campaigning. Tactical Tech will be working with six women's rights organisations in Crea's 'New Voices New Leaders' project, to customise the How-To guide for the contexts of peace-building and security.