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Toolkits and guides

Tools and Tactics for your digital security

Security in-a-box was first created in 2009, by Tactical Tech and Front Line Defenders, to meet the digital security and privacy needs of human rights defenders. Since then, the website has been updated and expanded to keep up to date with a rapidly-changing digital environment.

Security in-a-box includes 3 sections:

1. A How-to Booklet covering 11 areas, including 'how to protect your computer from malware and hackers' and 'how to protect the sensitive files on your computer'.

2. Hands-on Guides, each focusing on a specific freeware or open source software tool. Each Guide shows you how you can use that tool to secure your computer, protect your information or maintain the privacy of your communication.

3. A Mobile Security section, showing you how to install and use specific freeware or open source smartphone applications, helping to make your smartphone use more secure.

Security breaches can include: computers and backup drives confiscated, passwords mysteriously changed, websites hacked or overloaded by malicious internet traffic, or emails that appear to have been forged, blocked, modified or read by someone other than the intended recipient; among other things.

Security in-a-box offers possible explanations (How and why does this happen?) as well as solutions (What can I do to prevent it happening to me?). It was created by a diverse team of experts who understand not only the conditions under which advocates work, but also the resource restrictions they face.

Although Security in-a-box was designed primarily to address the growing needs of advocates in the global South -- particularly human rights defenders -- the software guides and security strategies in this toolkit are relevant to everyone; specifically people working with sensitive information.

This may include vulnerable minorities, independent journalists or whistleblowers, as well as advocates working on a range of issues, from environmental justice to anti-corruption.

 All the content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, and is also available in booklet form.