Tactical Tech

Tactical Tech is an organisation dedicated to the use of information in activism.

We focus on the use of data, design and technology in campaigning through our Evidence & Action programme, and on helping activists understand and manage their digital security and privacy risks through our Privacy & Expression programme.

We also provide services through our creative agency for advocacy, Tactical Studios

Sign up to our monthly magazine, In the Loop! Featuring our news and events, as well as interesting things we've been reading.


Our Picks

To celebrate the arrival of the second edition of Visualising Information for Advocacy we have prepared an unpacking video that we've called "The Arrival". See how the new cover was made, in this post by the cover designers, La Loma.  Read the book online or order it here. 
A great week in east Germany with almost 80 women!
The attack on the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo has particular significance for our work, and raises old and new troubling questions.
Have a look at our new project, Trackography: You Never Read Alone
Catch up on our latest news as well as a round-up of interesting things we've been reading lately.
Designed and produced by our own Tactical Studios, written by UN Women and Publish What You Pay
What is a digital shadow, anyway? Why should we care?
- an Open Data post-mortem by Mushon Zer-Aviv.
Articles, art, research, fiction, non-fiction, white papers, movies and videos.
The latest in our series of 'Community Focus' guides based on Tactical Tech and Front Line Defenders "Security in-a-Box" toolkit.
With Tactical Tech and Reporters without Borders! Apply by 13 Oct.
Applications are now closed.
From ONO to ONOnymous....
We're excited to announce the launch of a new Guide.

Our Twitter Feed:

  • @Info_Activism: RT @couragefound: BERLIN: our @auerfeld & @Info_activism's Maria Xynou to discuss@Snowden archives in 'Surveillance without borders' https:…
  • @Info_Activism: RT @baruch: @Info_Activism @danohu @dmytri @agrabeli_ @_vecna @johl @eridisk @F0O0 @i_skierka @impalamo @SFonic @hmoore https://t.co/Eujv9N…
  • @Info_Activism: Three Years Later, the Snowden Leaks Have Changed How the World Sees NSA Surveillance https://t.co/Ymc2uVbiGW
  • @Info_Activism: On Snowden Anniversary, #End702 Coalition Commit to Fighting for the Expiration of Super Surveillance Law https://t.co/Up6AtZXzmn
  • @Info_Activism: The Pentagon's Cybersecurity Priorities Have Not Changed in a Decade https://t.co/BHTQRGq7dM
  • @Info_Activism: Illustrations That Echo Our Behavior On Social Media https://t.co/hMcuWqBfZy https://t.co/DfgPj6N7Pj
  • @Info_Activism: This Interactive Proves Just How Wrong Our World Maps Really Are https://t.co/KBAmcBkeEy https://t.co/tZ9I6hGxBH
  • @Info_Activism: Here's One Way Facebook Might Be Changing the Electorate #UK https://t.co/fBBj0ToZ7u
  • @Info_Activism: Why is everyone covering up their laptop cameras? https://t.co/LQgu3o1QE9
  • @Info_Activism: Download All 239 Issues of Landmark UK Feminist Magazine Spare Rib Free https://t.co/JW2aPk1GlT
  • @Info_Activism: How Many Layers Does Your Email Security Need? - https://t.co/LWT6jo91qI
  • @Info_Activism: What is computer vision syndrome – and how can I prevent it? https://t.co/S2xtYc969D
  • @Info_Activism: Study of 1 million sites shows just how closely we're watched https://t.co/lqqnGt5ltD cc @ononymous_ttc
  • @Info_Activism: RT @evgenymorozov: My talk on smart cities & capitalism in Trento today (the link in that tweet leads to the mp3 of the speech) https://t.c…
  • @Info_Activism: RT @EngageMedia: "Systemic problems need systemic change" - Edward Snowden at @rightscon 2016 https://t.co/YGsPiv23lX @Info_Activism @DigiD…
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    Evidence and Action

    The Evidence & Action programme helps rights advocates use information strategically and creatively in their campaigning. We aim to inspire innovative campaigns and provide practical support for collecting, investigating and curating evidence for advocacy. We do this through project partnerships, trainings and developing and distributing resources.

    People around the world are using digital tools and visualisation techniques to expose injustice and abuse, creating subversive narratives to challenge the status quo and mobilising for action. We call the strategic, safe and creative use of digital tools and information in campaigning information activism. Our information activism projects include:


    A documentary film series exploring new forms of investigative journalism, plus an extensive investigative resource bank

    Our book exploring how to influence issues using information, design, technologies and networks.

    The name pretty much says it all. An online toolkit for women's rights defenders.


    Inspirational info-activism case studies from around the world.

    Latest project updates

    You've probably forgotten by now that Syria is famous for ping pong.
    The Info-Activism Camp happened in June 2013 . 
    Maya Ganesh and Emma Prest were at the Open Knowledge Conference in Geneva in September to present our new work:
    In March 2013 Tactical Tech met with five organisations in Beirut to brainstorm ways in which our range of info-activism resources could be adapted for use by activists in the Arab region.
    Not present at camp? Been there and feeling nostalgic? Have a look at the Camp Round-Up to read our summaries of the tracks, labs, skill shares and evening activities. Discover also our portraits of some of the facilitators and participants...
    Each afternoon, campers chose a lab to join. Labs lasted three hours and provided time to get hands-on and practical with specific skills and approaches to working with information.

    Privacy and Expression

    Our Privacy & Expression programme builds the digital security awareness and skills of human rights defenders, independent journalists, anti-corruption advocates and activists, and anyone else who is concerned about the the security risks and vulnerabilities of digital tools.

    We have developed a range of methods from awareness raising and short consultations for participants at large-scale international advocacy events, through to four day intensive workshops. We use a variety of techniques including short filmstake-home toolkits and exercises to engage people in debates about broader questions related to freedom of expression and access to information.

    Our key activities are:


    Advice and tools to help you protect your online privacy.

    Tools and Tactics for your digital security

    Written for and in collaboration with environmental rights defenders in sub-Saharan Africa

    Digital Security Tools and Tactics for the LGBTI community in sub-Saharan Africa is the second in our series of


    We asked a few of the track and lab facilitators, and a few of the Camp participants, some questions about themselves, their work, what they did at camp and what they came away with at the end of the week.
    The surveillance program PRISM by the US secret service NSA has reminded us that all of our activities online may be monitored without giving us the chance to understand whether we really are targeted or what the purpose of this monitoring is.

    Facebook has some 1.1 billion active users. Some 200 million accounts are active at Twitter. Millions more shop at Amazon and other online retailers.
    We're delighted to announce that our website Me and My Shadow has been awarded a prestigious international online activism award for the most creative and original website.
    It is not easy to keep up to date with how Facebook changes. Some things change for better, some for worse. Can you be sure that you didn't miss the latest update of Facebook's terms of service?

    Tactical Studios

    We bring issues to life through compelling data visualisations – created by handpicked project teams best suited to your specific project and issue areas. We work with you to formulate strategic messaging designed to grab the attention and improve the understanding of complex issues of your intended audience. 

    If you have a visualisation or campaign idea that you want to develop further, then please email us at tacticalstudios@tacticaltech.org


    Access the worlds largest public database on large-scale land deals through interactive infographics.

    An animated film, to raise public awareness to the hidden servies offered by Tor.

    An animation showing why you should volunteer to be a Tor bridge.