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You've probably forgotten by now that Syria is famous for ping pong.
Evidence & Action
The Info-Activism Camp happened in June 2013 . 
Evidence & Action
Maya Ganesh and Emma Prest were at the Open Knowledge Conference in Geneva in September to present our new work:
Evidence & Action
In March 2013 Tactical Tech met with five organisations in Beirut to brainstorm ways in which our range of info-activism resources could be adapted for use by activists in the Arab region.
Evidence & Action
Not present at camp? Been there and feeling nostalgic? Have a look at the Camp Round-Up to read our summaries of the tracks, labs, skill shares and evening activities. Discover also our portraits of some of the facilitators and participants...
Evidence & Action
Each afternoon, campers chose a lab to join. Labs lasted three hours and provided time to get hands-on and practical with specific skills and approaches to working with information.
Evidence & Action
The morning tracks were two-hour long daily sessions on four inter-related approaches to working with information for advocacy: Investigation, Documentation, Curation and Intervention.
Evidence & Action
We asked a few of the track and lab facilitators, and a few of the Camp participants, some questions about themselves, their work, what they did at camp and what they came away with at the end of the week.
Evidence & Action
We asked a few of the track and lab facilitators, and a few of the Camp participants, some questions about themselves, their work, what they did at camp and what they came away with at the end of the week.
Evidence & Action
We asked a few of the track and lab facilitators, a
Evidence & Action
  We asked a few of the track and lab facilitators, and a few of the Camp participants, some questions about themselves, their work, what they did at camp and what they came away with at the end of the week.
Evidence & Action
"A gentle introduction to exploring and understanding your data": Tactical Tech’s second course for the School of Data, building on our earlier course about cleaning data.
Evidence & Action
We have found the location!
Evidence & Action
Tactical Tech has been working with the Open Knowledge Foundation on a new project of theirs called School of Data.
Evidence & Action