Why are houses collapsing in Egypt?
New visualisation / sonification, produced in collaboration with Egyptian rights groups.
New visualisation / sonification, produced in collaboration with Egyptian rights groups.
News on our new office, some great posters we found in Denmark, and our new women and IT project.
Myshadow.org is now Bigger, Better, and (partly) translated!
Reflections on Re:publica 2014, Berlin.
Listening to your data, getting data out of difficult formats, and thinking about how data is used in advocacy.
We made it to the semi-finals of Knight News Challenge!
The latest edition of our monthly magazine is out!
In the Loop includes not just Tactical Tech's news - what we've been doing and making, and where where we're planning to be - but also a round-up of interesting things we've been reading in the last month: inspiring examples of activism; thought-provoking articles on surveillance and privacy; and other interesting stuff.
Read it online: https://tacticaltech.org/in-the-loop
(It's also sent out by mail every month. Sign up at the link above!)
Tactical Tech will be at RightsCon in San Francisco, from 3-5 March.
If you're in Bangalore on Monday March 3, join Tactical Tech and The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) for a talk by information activist, free software developer and author Smari McCarthy. Details here.