Tactical Tech's Kaustubh Srikanth investigates how the Indian Govt has been blocking websites, and what can be done do to get around it. (Huffington Post)
Tactical Tech's Kaustubh Srikanth investigates how the Indian Govt has been blocking websites, and what can be done do to get around it. (Huffington Post)
Tactical Tech's Becky Kazansky looks at privacy enhancing technologies and human rights in the Internet Policy Review journal on internet regulation.
"Enabling encryption in communication services doesn't change this business model nor does it necessarily protect all of your data. So what does end-to-end encryption in WhatsApp mean?" Find out more on MyShadow.
(Image: Ali Ferzat)
It is unusual for Tactical Tech to comment on a current political event; however, the attack on the artists and journalists working for the French magazine Charlie Hebdo has particular significance for our work. Some initial thoughts here.
Part 3 of our Snowden-inspired blog series on challenges the notion that mass surveillance allows individuals to “hide within the crowd". Part 4, "Lies and Revelations" looks at why mass surveillance is not about catching the "bad guys".
The books have arrived from the printers, complete with new layout and a new cover!
Watch our official unpacking video, "The Arrival".
See how the new cover was made, in this post by the designers.
We officially launched our new project, Trackography, at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg in December. Find out where your data goes, and through which countries and companies, when you read your favourite newspapers online.
We'll be launching a new project, 'Trackography', at the Chaos Communication Congress at the end of the year.. watch this space!
Read part two of our 'Why shrugging at the Snowden revelations is a bad idea' blog series: The False Dichotomy of Better and Worse Spies.
Read part one here: 3 (scary) things Snowden taught us about Surveillance.
A guest blog post by Tactical Tech's Lisa Gutermuth looks at how women's rights campaigners have presented evidence of violence in interesting and creative ways.