3 new tool reviews are now up on our Visualising Information for Advocacy website (RAW, Datawrapper and CartoDB.)
3 new tool reviews are now up on our Visualising Information for Advocacy website (RAW, Datawrapper and CartoDB.)
"As a case study, the the social production of data about sexual violence in conflict reveals that data about an issue may be near-impossible to arrive at reliably."
The latest post on our Visualising Information for Advocacy Blog, by Maya Ganesh.
(Part of the FRIDA annual report 2013, design by our Tactical Studios)
Our client-based creative arm Tactical Studios has been working hard of late on a series of “Travel Guides”, developed by Global Partners Digital.
The Hands-on Guide section of Security in-a-box, created in collaboration with Frontline Defenders, has been updated with the latest version of the Tor Project's Tor Browser Bundle.
JumpStart Georgia, an NGO which works on data-related projects, has kicked off translations of our book. The introduction and first chapter are now available in Georgian, in PDF form.
Order Visualising Information for Advocacy (in English) on the book's website, if you haven't already.
You have all this data... but grnngh, it's in a PDF! How to get it out? "How to tackle PDFs with a tool called Tabula" is another recent addition to the resources section of our Exposing the Invisible project.
New on our Exposing the Invisible resources page: how to begin approaching and thinking about stories in data, by Marco Tulio Pires, data journalist and School of Data mentor.