(Image: Table and contents, pivoted. By Tom Longley. Using a spreadsheet to pivot a table helps you see your data clearly and from different angles)
(Image: Table and contents, pivoted. By Tom Longley. Using a spreadsheet to pivot a table helps you see your data clearly and from different angles)
Two new Chapters, "Get the Picture" and "Get the Details", show you how to tell stories using data and how to present data in ways that promote your campaign.
So, what exactly are digital shadows? New on Tactical Tech's, a set of 5 cards answering this question and four more. You can download them, print them out and distribute them to friends and colleagues. The cards aim to raise awareness about our 'digital shadows' and provide information on how to protect your privacy.
Two Data Wrangling Handbook workshops were held by the School of Data in Portland Orgeon this past month. The workshops focused on creating and editing content for the Data Wrangling Handbook, which Tactical Tech is a partner in.
(Image by Beautiful Trouble)
10 Tactics Worldwide from Tactical Technology Collective on Vimeo.
With the help of local Berlin designers, Julia Wolf and Daniel Páez, we visualised the 219 screenings of 10 Tactics from late 2009 until 2012.
Kharabeesh, animation Studio in Jordan, dubbed the 5 episodes of our animation, Survival in the Digital Age in Arabic.
Tactical Tech's Bangalore office is looking for a Drupal Developer to join our growing team. PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript/Ajax don't sound foreign to you? You can work in Linux? Then see the job announcement.
An animation Studio in Jordan, Kharabeesh, dubbed the 5 episodes of our animation, Survival in the Digital Age in Arabic.
See our very talented Head of Technology Kaustubh Srikanth speak at Rootconf, a system administrator conference, in Bangalore. His talk explains how we automate the deployment of our Drupal websites across our development, staging and live servers at Tactical Tech. Plus demos of the various open-source tools and techniques and strategies we use and how you can set up similar workflows.