Six activists have been fined and given community service sentences for attending a meeting where footage from the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt was being screened. More about it here.
Six activists have been fined and given community service sentences for attending a meeting where footage from the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt was being screened. More about it here.
A viral video campaign aiming to raise awareness of the activities of the Ugandan guerilla leader Joseph Kony has had over 86 million viewings on YouTube. A US agency took the opportunity to help NGOs understand the astonishing reach and impact achieved by thiscampaign "…simplify your site, stripping down all actions or content that detracts from that core action. Then, focus all of your channels and messages on that one action. Report back progress.
Chinese users of microblogging sites have been evading censorship by referring to the premier Wen Jiabao as a tellytubby - this enables them to discuss apparent troubles in the leadership without getting caught by keyword filters. More about it here.
A travel ban has been imposed on opposition activists and some politicians in Belarus. More about it here.
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Ahead of this Summer's 2012 Olympics, the UK Police have been upping the stakes in surveillance and pre-emptive policing. A new phone app, Facewatch encourages people to identify anonymous criminals from their neighbourhood. A move compared by Evgeny Morozov to the way that Iranian police posted pictures on the internet of unidentified troublemakers after the 2009 elections.
Greenpeace launched a new campaign this month calling on Apple to stop using "asthma-inducing, climate destroying coal to power the "cloud" that stores your emails, photos, music and videos."
On 18th April, the US authorities seized a server belonging to the Riseup network which provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change.
Activists locked themselves in cages in protest at the Indian government's Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules. Find out more about the movement against interner censorship in India here.
We reconnected recently Ghaidaa Al'Absi, a participant in our Visualising Women's Rights programme. She received a microgrant from us to develop her campaign Safe Streets, which maps sexual harassment in Yemen. Hereis an interview with her about her campaign.