"Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about it". Danish journalist Emma Holten in The Guardian.
"Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about it". Danish journalist Emma Holten in The Guardian.
A member of the Swedish Pirate Party set up an open Wi-Fi network at the Society and Defence National Conference, collecting and analyzing the metadata of those who connected to it.
Deep Lab member Ingrid Burrington. Screenshot: Deep Lab.
An all-women hacker collective is making art about the Post-Snowden Age.
Image: Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud, Can You Hear Me, 2014.
....What would you say? A mesh network installation in Berlin makes this a real question.
"The Activism in film guide for social issue moviemakers"
Pussy Riot were awarded the Hannah Arendt prize for political thinking, for activism on behalf of prisoners. (Deutsche Welle)
Utah proposed a bill that could deprive an NSA facility of its water. "This is a bill about civil rights". (Salon)
Hasan Elahi and Jjosh Begley on the imagery of surveillance. (Ethan Zuckerman's blog)
(Image: “Thousand Little Brothers” Hasan Elahi)
OpenOil has launched the world’s first comprehensive archive of oil contracts.
Casey Fiesler, a PhD student in Human-Centered Computing at Georgia Tech, decided to fix an offensive Barbie book herself.