Newsroom Mezhyhirya: The story of Janukovychleaks is a new 15-minute documentary about the Ukrainian website set up to display documents recovered from the Janukovych compound.
Newsroom Mezhyhirya: The story of Janukovychleaks is a new 15-minute documentary about the Ukrainian website set up to display documents recovered from the Janukovych compound.
For journalists and aid providers, the Verification Handbook: "A definitive Guide to verifying digital content for emergency coverage".
New project by citizen journalist of note Eliot Higgins, aka Brown Moses (interviewed in our film From My Point of View).
Bellingcat Kickstarter project page
Bellingcat on Twitter
(Image: Periodismo Ecuador)
The Case of Jailed Egyptian Activist Alaa Abd El Fattah. (Global Voices)
(Image from Down With Egypt's Protest Law's section for "artworks made by artists and activists in Cairo".)
A new website collects info, links, videos, solidarity protests on Egypt's Anti-Protest Law.
A Ukrainian fact-checking site tries to spot fake photos in social media.
(Screenshot from a Ukrainian hip-hop music video)
"Ukraine's young, burgeoning hip-hop community has taken to interpreting its country's politics through its music". (Foreign Policy)
(Screenshot from The Guardian)
Amazon workers campaigning for a living Living Wage campaigners placed a dummy book on the site as protest. (The Guardian)
“We witness the rise of a new absolute power,” writes Shoshana Zuboff in Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine. “Google transfers its radical politics from cyberspace to reality. It will earn its money by knowing, manipulating, controlling the reality and cutting it into the tiniest pieces.”