Communicating research
For the last two years, we have been collaborating with the Open Society Foundation (OSF)
Thinktanks Fund, working with specific Think-tanks on visualising and communicating their
research findings in accessible and representative ways.
(See the infographic we recently produced for the OSF Think Tank Fund in collaboration with
RAND, showing levels of intolerance in Western Europe, and watch this space for three
soon to be launched visualisation projects for other Think-tanks).
Thinktanks event
In mid-June, we held a three day event for around 26 participants from
Think-tanks in eastern Europe and ex-Soviet states, again supported by
the OSF Think Tank Fund, focused on creative strategies
for communicating research.
Browse the photos of the event on Flickr (courtesy Rupert Daniel):
Or catch up on Twitter under the hashtag #ThinkTanksTalk
Each day was structured around group sessions in the mornings, followed
by skill shares and project labs in the afternoons.
Here's a brief snapshot.
Sessions (among others):
- How to pull out different narrative threads from your data and research findings
- Framing and contextualising your story
- Building a narrative supported by data, context and message
- Which formats suit your needs
- Which formats work and which do not
- Mapping audiences
- Who cares about the findings and who you want to care about them
- What kinds of messages resonate with different groups of people
- Persuading those who are neutral, unconvinced or indifferent
Skill shares (among others):
- Working with quantitative data
- crowd sourcing data
- framing research
- data wrangling
- information security
- writing for the web
- engaging with politicians
- working with designers
- values and frames
Project labs covered a variety of issues, including importation of
illegal waste in Albania, countering extremists in Czech Republic,
Freedom of expression in Macedonia, and IDPs in Ukraine.
All in all, it was a fruitful event; thanks to all who participated!
Learning Resource
Using our experiences working with Think-tanks over the last 2 years as a
starting point, this autumn we will be producing a Learning Resource aimed
specifically at Thinktanks, offering guidance on improving research
communication and outreach. Watch this space!
(all images © Rupert Daniel)