Our Evidence and Influence Micro-magazine is a compilation of multi-media stories about and by the participants who attended Tactical Tech's Info-Activism Camp 2013.
Issue #4 centres around the theme of 'Protest'.
One of the sessions we did at the Camp was a 'Protest Salon' where we invited five camp participants, Sami, Lobna, Jake, Ozlem & Marcelo to share an image, a slogan and a song through which they'd develop a personal narrative and history of the protests they've been a part of over the past three years.
Here is a short trailer of choice quotes from the Salon to give you a sense of the discussions. And there is much more to discover about the movements in Egypt, Tunisia, Brazil, Turkey and the US through edited videos of the five speakers. Also have a listen to our Protest Playlist that others who were at the Camp contributed to.
If you missed our other issues you can find them here:
Issue #1: Environment + Justice
Issue #2: Gender + Violence
Issue #3: Transparency and Accountability