- Visualising Land Grabbing
Tactical Studios (with Tactical Tech's reveal programme) worked with the
Land Coalition partnership (CDE, CIRAD, GIGA, GIZ and ILC) to create a
public interface providing unprecedented access to the largest public
database of large-scale land deals worldwide.
- Me and My Shadow
Explore your digital traces and how to minimise them with a new website
and resource from our Privacy and Expression programme.
- 10 Tactics Remixed
What's happening in information activism? Read stories, discussion and
analysis about how groups and individuals are (re)claiming citizenship
from the ground up in a new website from our Evidence and Action
- A new Data and Design How to: Opening Open Data
We've updated the Drawing by Numbers site with a new how to!
Opening open data is a practical DIY on making open data useful and
accessing data when it's inaccessible. Read it here and follow Drawing by Numbers on Twitter@drawbynumbers.