Read this study focusing on tracking on Dutch governmental websites, and then visit our Me and My Shadow interactive website to learn how to minimise the ways you are tracked online.
Read this study focusing on tracking on Dutch governmental websites, and then visit our Me and My Shadow interactive website to learn how to minimise the ways you are tracked online.
"A year after Snowden revelations, damage persists to freedom of expression in Pakistan," reports the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
The New York Review of Books looks at the NSA revelations, focusing on Glenn Greenwald's book No Place to Hide.
Near the end of May, Edward Snowden gave an hour-long interview to NBC, saying that he wanted to go home; but did not want to just "walk into a jail cell".
The Functional Art's Alberto Cairo bemoans the state of things (with lots of links to interesting reading material)
The EU's ruling in May that European citizens have a limited “right to be forgotten” by Google has sparked both celebration and concern.
From Journalists Resource, "What’s new in digital and social media research, April 2014: Facebook rumor cascades, online comments, collaborative news clips and more."
(Image: Google)
From Wired: “Google’s most striking new tool recently turned up in its Search app for Android smartphones. It pings you when you’re physically near a product for which you’ve previously searched online.“
The NSA is recording every cell phone call in the Bahamas, Glenn Greenwald's The//Intercept has revealed.
“We the public aren't going to get a crime-free secure internet unless we re-engineer it to be NSA-proof,“ says sci-fi author Charles Stross.