September was a sad month for Tactical Tech's beloved ONO Robot, star of much-loved short animation series "Survival in the Digital Age" and author of a popular Twitter feed.
As of the beginning of the month, ONO as we knew him was stripped of his rightful name; the result of a copyright lawsuit filed against Tactical Tech by much-bigger-than-us Spanish telecommunications company Cableuropa, which uses the name ONO in its branding.
Cableuropa is now officially able to spread its brand in commercial comfort without any pesky robots - however adorable - competing for EU internet space.
We fought for our beloved Robot; but in the end we decided, as a funding-dependent NGO, and after it looked like it could be a long and resource-heavy process - that our time, energy and funds were needed elsewhere. So our Robot's original name is gone; as is his website.
His film legacy, however, lives on! The Survival in the Digital Age animations survived the name-wars intact, and have been moved over to our Me and My Shadow website. Find them here: myshadow.org/Ononymous
On Twitter, you can now follow him at @OnonymousTTC, where he will continue to share the digital security and privacy news and tips that he has become known for.
Long live Ononymous!
Tactical Tech co-founder Marek Tuszynski outside a Cableuropa/ONO store in Barcelona